Obion County Board of Education
October 5, 2009

Agenda Item: VIII.I.

Consider/Approve Request from the South Fulton Athletic Boosters to
Install Spirit Flag Poles at Athletic Facilities

Background Information:

South Fulton Athletic Boosters have requested permission to install spirit flag poles at the South Fulton Football Stadium, South Fulton High School Baseball Field, and the South Fulton High School Softball Field. Red and white flags would be flown during the athletic events that take place at these facilities. Funds to pay for these modifications are available through prior fundraising activities of the school support organization. Mr. Graham is aware of this request and has no objections.

In accordance with the Tennessee Internal School Uniform Accounting Policy Manual, the Board must approve the purchase of equipment (regardless of cost) that is to be attached to or that requires the alteration of the building and the Board must approve the construction or installation of permanent fixtures.

Staff Recommendation:

With all bases covered, I recommend approval of this request.